About Lutheran Stock Photos

Our mission, license, hopes, goals, and prayers.

Our Mission

The mission of Lutheran Stock Photos is to provide Lutheran churches and schools with high quality images that would be useful in a worship setting or as part of their media strategy (online or otherwise.) We offer these images freely with the understanding that non-profits often have limited budgets.

While we offer these images without cost, we also provide an opportunity for users to give back to the photographers and artists who have generously provided their imagery.

Our License

Images on this site are licensed under the public domain. This means your church, school, or religious organization is free to use the images, and while attribution is appreciated, it is not required.

Example of attribution: Photo by [username] on LutheranStockPhotos.com

Why are you doing this?

Other free stock site offer lots of great high quality content, but many of the images are not geared toward a Lutheran audience. Concepts like prayer and baptism are poorly represented or represented in a manner incongruous with Lutheran teachings. Working with stock photos on a regular basis we saw the need for a source of stock photos specific to a Lutheran audience.

Additionally, some sites offer images under licenses which prevent use in video, require attribution, or have other restrictions. We saw the need for biblical imagery that could be used in any setting, even commercial, without attribution if necessary.

What Defines "Lutheran Content"

For the purposes of this site we define "Lutheran Content" in two parts.

First and foremost, Lutheran Content is any imagery that portrays Christian or Biblical concepts in a manner consistent with Lutheran teachings. (Specifically as taught by the ELS and WELS.)

This also includes photos which are useful for teaching and training in righteousness, engaging congregations in worship activities, and promoting church events. Images on the site should portray a theme, element, emotion, concept, or teaching which could be useful in a Bible class, sermon slide, liturgy projections, worship pamphlet, devotional book, church video, social post, or other church related media.

This Site

This site began as a side project and at the start, it's unclear how popular it will become or how much it might cost to run. Income generated from ads may be used to help offset hosting costs. Donations to the site can be made through monthly or yearly subscriptions ($1.50/month or $10/year) and funds received will go directly towards the cost of maintaining the site. (Subscribing will remove the ads from your browsing experience.) You can also make a one time donation and Buy Phil a Coffee.

Hopes and Prayers

Our hope for this site is that it is a valuable resource to those who use it. Our prayer is that the Lord blesses your efforts, whatever they may be, to the glory of his kingdom.